Migrating SSL Certificates to OUD

By default, self-signed certificates are automatically asssigned to OUD instances.

In some cases, you might want to reuse a DSEE server certificate for the new OUD instance, so that the migration is transparent for SSL clients. Note that this might require installation of the OUD instance on the same box as the DSEE depending on SSL certificate options used.

If you want to have your OUD instance reuse the SSL servert certificate,  perform the following steps

1. export the DSEE server certificate to a PKCS12 file (e.g dsee.p12) as described in the ODSEE admin guide
The exact procedure may depend on the DSEE release. On DSEE 6.x, DSEE 7.x and ODSEE, run the command below:

    dsadm export-cert -o dsee.p12  <instance_path> defaultCert

Note: By default, the alias of the DSEE server cert is defaultCert. Use the appropriate alias in case you choosed to use another value.

2. copy the PKCS12 file to <OUD_INSTANCE>/config

3. create a pin file containing the pkcs12 file password e.g. dsee.p12.pin in the <OUD_INSTANCE>/config directory

At that stage, the DSEE server certificate can be imported in the OUD instance in 2 different ways:
– either configure a PKCS12 OUD keystore pointing to the file exported from DSEE
– import the DSEE certificate to the default JKS OUD keystore

To configure a OUD PKCS12 keystore, perform the following steps:

4.1 Configure the PKCS12 keystore

dsconfig set-key-manager-provider-prop \
–provider-name PKCS12 \
–set key-store-file:config/dsee.p12 \
–set key-store-pin-file:config/dsee.p12.pin \
–set enabled:true \

4.2 Configure the LDAPS connection handler to use the pkcs#12 keystore

dsconfig set-connection-handler-prop \
–handler-name LDAPS\ Connection\ Handler \
–set key-manager-provider:PKCS12 \

To import the DSEE certificate key pair to the existing OUD JKS keystore, perform the following steps:

5.1 Locate the JAVA_HOME of the jvm used by OUD

The version of the JVM used is displayed at startup in the OUD error log

5.2 Run the following command to import the DSEE certificate

JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -v -importkeystore -srckeystore <Path to PKCS12 cert file exported from DSEE>  -srcstoretype PKCS12 -destkeystore <OUD_INSTANCE_DIR>/OUD/config/keystore  -deststoretype JKS

When prompted, specify the JKS pin (available in <OUD_INSTANCE_DIR>/OUD/config/keystore.pin  and the PKCS12 pin you used to export the DSEE server cert

5.3 Check import

To list the content of the OUD JKS keystore, use the following:

    JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -list -keystore <OUD_INSTANCE_DIR>/OUD/config/keystore

Enter keystore password:

Keystore type: JKS
Keystore provider: SUN
Your keystore contains 2 entries

defaultcert, Aug 29, 2013, PrivateKeyEntry,
Certificate fingerprint (MD5): 10:63:DC:B5:6B:C8:F3:A0:6B:A7:23:9E:0B:EA:9C:30

server-cert, Aug 29, 2013, PrivateKeyEntry,
Certificate fingerprint (MD5): BE:C9:F3:8A:49:98:96:15:EF:AC:B4:08:6F:76:FB:05

By default, the DSEE server cert alias is defaultcert.
By default, the OUD server cert alias is server-cert.
By default, OUD let java  automatically choose the best server-cert amongst those present in the keystore. If you want to force the use of  one certificate, do the following:

dsconfig set-connection-handler-prop \
–handler-name LDAPS\ Connection\ Handler \
–set ssl-cert-nickname:defaultcert \

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